Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Go Fishing, At a Fisheries Facility Near You

The U.S. Fish and Service is celebrating National Fishing and Boating Week which starts Saturday, June 4, and hosting events all around the country encouraging families to cast their rods into the water and go fishing. Most events are free and are sure to provide entertainment for the whole family. Find one close to you and join the nationwide celebration.
List of events.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

An Event Old As Time

The event is as old as time – annual bird migrations. May 14, 2011 is International Migratory Bird Day, a day to go birding, a day to celebrate conservation.

So, flock to one of the 70 National Fish Hatcheries across the country, where you might be surprised to find an array of spring migrants. Uvalde National Fish Hatchery in
south Texas is a gem birding destination, where colorful birds with colorful names—Little Blue Heron, Black Phoebe, Greater Yellowlegs, Blue-winged Teal, Vermilion Flycatcher—stop and recharge on their epic journey north to breeding habitats.
Waterfowl and songbirds, like this Black Phoebe, frequent the waters associated National Fish Hatcheries. USFWS
As Planet Earth wobbles back into the vernal position, it brings with it birds migrating north. You should migrate outside with your field glasses and see what you can see.